Cats Treated for a UTI Still Have Blood in the Urine

Urinary tract infections could indicate a deeper, more sinister condition.
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Despite his resistance, you've faithfully medicated your cat for his urinary tract infection. The last pill administered, you heave a sigh of relief that you don't have to fight him anymore. But his pee is still looking just as reddish as before. What gives?

Infection 2.0

Your cat's urinary tract isn't a single length of tubing that allows elimination, it's a collection of various organs and passages that filter and ferry pee and poop to the litter box. The urinary tract infection, or UTI, he has been taking medication for may have been a completely different infection that's affecting him now. Infections could settle in the upper tract with the kidneys, or the lower tract in the bladder. It's possible that a new infection piggybacked in and settled in a different section while the previous one was kicked to the curb. Different viruses and bacteria respond to different treatments, so what killed the first infection may have no effect on the second.


Just as a sneeze doesn't always indicate the flu, blood in your cat's urine -- or hematuria -- doesn't always indicate a UTI. Internal injuries could produce bloody pee, such as damage to the kidney or bladder. Cats are notoriously tight-lipped when they're hurt, so watch for signs that he's in pain, such as lethargy or crying out as he moves. You may also notice appetite or behavioral changes, and he may be unwilling to use the litter box as he needs.

Underlying Medical Conditions

In many cases a UTI is just a UTI, but sometimes the infection covers up a more sinister underlying condition. UTIs are often a symptom of a much larger and more encompassing condition called feline lower urinary tract disease, or FLUTD. Causes of FLUTD vary, and include cancer, urinary stones and interstitial cystitis. Urinary obstructions can also cause FLUTD and produce bloody pee, and require immediate surgery to correct.

Head Back To Your Vet

As common sense would tell you, bloody pee is not normal and is cause for concern. If after his round of antibiotics your cat still leaves red puddles behind, it's time for another talk with your vet. Proper treatment requires a proper diagnosis, and the underlying cause for the UTI must be identified for your cat to find relief. He may require a different round of medication, surgery or a dietary change to help heal his irritated inner workings, but once proper treatment starts the bloody puddles should stop.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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