Do Cats Meow More Often in Old Age?

Your cat's meowing habits may change with age.
i George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

The meow is the adorable and ubiquitous sound we all associate with our furry buddies. Whether a cat is expressing dissatisfaction or simply saying hello, the meow is often her communication preference. Some senior cats also use meowing as a means of dealing with the effects of aging.


When humans advance into old age, dementia is a relatively common issue, so it's no surprise that elderly cats experience similar problems. If your kitty is 8 or older, she may meow frequently from pure confusion. Her cognitive abilities just aren't what they used to be, and she's vocalizing her frustration. This behavior is often accompanied by memory problems.

Hearing and Vision

Apart from your dear's kitty meowing to deal with her cognitive problems, she may also meow a lot because of hearing and vision loss. With the loss or partial loss of those senses, your cat may be at a loss about what to do. And the worse her hearing is, the louder her meowing will be, naturally.

Other Signs

Other signs that are often exhibited by excessively meowing senior cats include wandering around aimlessly and staying away from all human contact. If your formerly friendly pet now meows all day and seems antisocial and restless, it most likely is related to senility issues.

Veterinary Health

Unsurprisingly, older cats are generally more susceptible to medical problems than the little ones, whether kidney failure or high blood pressure. Your cat may be meowing excessively due to the pain and agitation associated with a medical condition. Because of this worrying possibility, it is important to take your sweet feline to the veterinarian to get checked out immediately—you will thank yourself later!

Vision Help

Thankfully, you don't just have to sit back and watch your lovable cat suffer with confusion as a result of age and vision difficulties. Cats are intelligent and adaptable creatures. With a little bit of adjustment, you can help make your pet's life significantly more comfortable. To manage her disorientation woes (and probably also her excessive meowing), try to minimize furniture and item rearrangement—whether of your couch or her trusty old scratching post. If you decide to pick your cat up for a little snuggling and hugging, make sure to always drop her off at the same exact spot you first found her. To handle her vision problems, close off access to stairs and pet doors—the last thing you want is for her to fall or get outside and get lost.

Hearing Help

Avoid letting your cat go outdoors if she has any hearing difficulty—cars are simply too much of a hazard. If you want to avoid shocking your cat every time you pass by, lightly touch her back as a simple and friendly "alert." With some minor tweaking and a lot of TLC, your cat—and you—can continue living the good life!

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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