Do Cats Get Gray Hair?

Graying is especially common in darker-colored cats.
i George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Cats have more in common with humans than you might think. Just like people, cats also sometimes go gray as part of the natural aging process -- no biggie. A slightly white or gray coat is often an indication that a sweet feline is entering into her senior years.


It is not a shock for sweet kitties to go gray with age. Graying is especially common -- and noticeable -- in point-coloration and darker cats. If you have a tuxedo, Siamese or fully black cat, the appearance of white and gray on the cat will be particularly visible. For the most part, gray fur appears on a cat's face, especially right around the whiskers and muzzle. It actually can be pretty darn cute!

Age Range

No set age range exists when a cat is a senior. Your pet won't just wake up one morning and all of a sudden be "old." However, cats are generally considered to be elderly when they are around 10 to 12 years of age. Having said that, many go gray earlier or later than that time frame. It is a case by case thing, as with anything involving cats.

Coat Texture

Coat texture changes in cats also often go hand in hand with the graying process. When your precious pet gets older, she not only sometimes develops gray hair, but also thinning, brittle hair. If your stroke her back and you notice that her coat texture feels markedly thinner or just "different" than before, her hair is simply evolving due to age -- not usually cause for alarm.

Early Graying

In some cases, cats can develop grays at an especially young age. If your kitty is nowhere near senior age, she may be getting gray due to stress and anxiety -- poor thing! Very premature graying can also point to nutritional deficiencies and poor diet habits. To be on the safe side, schedule an appointment with the veterinarian as soon as possible. The most important thing to think about, however, is not how your dear kitty looks on the outside, but how she feels on the inside.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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