Can You Put Two African Gray Parrots in the Same Cage?

Some African grays prefer a cage of their own.
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If the experience you've had with your African gray has you thinking of adopting another, consider whether you have enough room to house her. Maybe you're planning for her to bunk with your other parrot, but that might not be an option.

Sometimes It Works

If you acquire a pair of African gray parrots that were raised together in the same cage, they've probably bonded to each other and prefer sharing their cage to being split up. Even if your two grays weren't raised together, it's possible that they'll take a liking to each other and become friends. Give them the chance to decide for themselves by placing them in separate cages next to each other and allowing them to play together on top of the cages or on a play stand. If they seem to like one another, play nice together, preen each other and willingly go into one cage together without fighting, they will probably be fine living together.

Sometimes It Doesn't

When it comes to picking roommates, African gray parrots are a lot like humans: one pair will get along just fine, while another will fight like cats and dogs. If you find yourself playing referee for your two parrots more often than playing with them, that's a sign it's time to get a second cage. Their personalities probably just don't mesh, and they would do much better in separate cages. No matter what your hopes are, don't force the two to share a cage—it would be worse for your birds than it was for you when your parents made you share a room with your younger sibling.

Breeding Pairs

If you want to put two African grays in the same cage because you have visions of baby grays, you need to make sure the pair you have are compatible and bond to each other so that they'll be likely to start a family. If the two African grays you intend to be parrot parents don't get along, one could become aggressive toward the other and might end up attacking and harming the other bird. If it turns out your two birds are the Romeo and Juliet of the parrot world, you should ensure there's enough room in the cage for them both plus a nesting box. A cage 3 feet tall by 2 feet wide and 6 feet deep is the smallest cage you'd want to put your parental pair into.

Living With Two Grays

If you're housing two African gray parrots who get along, you still need to provide them with a cage that is large enough for both of them to move around without being crowded. Avian Web recommends that you provide a single gray with a cage that is 3 feet deep by 3 feet tall by 2 feet wide. If you're going to add another gray to the picture you'll need a cage at least 6 feet deep, 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. If your feathered family just won't get along and require their own cages, consider setting them up in a room of their own. Put a divider within each cage to allow your grays privacy when they crave it and provide a commo area outside the cages to give your African gray parrots the chance to interact and play.

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