Can a Parakeet Survive After Their Partner Dies?

Parakeets are social creatures that form bonds.
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When a beloved pet dies, it's only natural for you and your remaining bird to mourn the loss. Most of the time, your remaining parakeet should survive the death of her partner and may go on to enjoy the company of a new partner.


In the wild just as in the aviary, parakeets form close relationships with other birds. After a death, many parakeets will mourn their loss. Symptoms of mourning include calling for the lost bird, searching the cage for the bird, and loss of appetite. However, they may accept a replacement.

Time Frame

While it can be upsetting for you to witness your parakeet's grief, this will pass. Soothe your parakeet by crooning gently to her or talking in a calm voice. This helps her to know that you are there for her. She'll resume eating, playing and other behaviors when the grief period is over. This may take a day or two, or may take weeks.


There are situations where the surviving parakeet will die after the partner's death. Don't mistake this for a romantic Romeo and Juliet scenario where one bird cannot live without the other. Most likely, both parakeets contracted a disease that killed one and then the other. A bird necropsy, which an avian vet can provide, can diagnose the cause of both birds' deaths and may provide you peace of mind.


Since parakeets are social animals, you may choose to get another bird to keep your remaining budgie company. Should you do this, your parakeet's desire for companionship and natural instincts will help her bond with the new playmate. If you opt not to replace the lost bird, your parakeet may form tighter bonds with you.

the nest
