Can Cats Become Hoarse From Constant Meowing?

A chatty catty can develop laryngitis.
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Some cats are much more talkative than others, and seem to meow non-stop. This constant chatter cannot only get a bit annoying to you, but also irritate your kitty's larynx, causing him to sound hoarse or lose his voice all together.


Cats can get laryngitis just like humans, and the result varies between your cat uttering a hoarse croak or no sound whatsoever. This occurs when his larynx becomes inflamed and irritated, which can happen for a variety of reasons. If your cat just sounds like a frog but shows no other signs if illness, enjoy this temporary reprieve of his constant chatter. Most cats regain their voice within a few days and return to their vocal, chatty selves.

Chatty Catty

A common cause of laryngitis in cats is excessive meowing, which can irritate his voice box. An increase in your cat's vocalizations could simply be a trait of his breed. For example, Siamese are typically very vocal. It could also indicate he's under stress. If your cat's always been a little blabbermouth and is suddenly hoarse, consider that a sign his larynx is saying “Enough already!” and put a figurative muzzle on him for a few days. Cats who suddenly become more vocal may be reacting to something new in their lives that's causing anxiety, such as a new family member or change in routine.

Other Causes

Just like when you catch a cold and suddenly sound like a frog leaped down your throat, your cat could sound hoarse because of an illness. Viral and bacterial infections can cause laryngitis, and usually have additional symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing. Your cat just looks like he's not feeling well. Some more rare reasons for laryngitis are tumors and nerve damage to the larynx, which typically need professional help to treat.


In most cases, your cat's laryngitis should clear up within a few days without any additional treatment. Laryngitis caused by infections may need antibiotics and other medications to clear up the underlying condition, so a visit to your vet is in order. If the laryngitis is caused by excessive meowing due to anxiety, identify the cause and make adjustments or use a calming pheromone so your cat stays relaxed and doesn't feel the need to chat constantly. Generally speaking, if your cat seems fine other than the fact he has no voice, you typically shouldn't worry. If, however, he displays additional symptoms or behavior changes in conjunction with his froggy croak, see your vet to rule out other health concerns.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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