Why Do Birds Stop Squawking When You Cover the Cage?

"We're squawking because we're uncomfortable about something."
i Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

If your pet bird is squawking and shrieking endlessly, it's probably because something is causing him to feel uneasy, whether cold temperatures or the unsettling sounds of persistent street traffic coming from outside. Some bird owners opt to ease their pets' nerves by covering up their cages -- often overnight.

Desire for Warmth

A bird cage cover often can be effective for keeping your pet warm and cozy. If your noisy and squawk-happy bird has been keeping you up all night with his vocalization, only to stop immediately after you cover his cage, then you have a pretty accurate idea of what was bothering him so much -- and possibly preventing him from being able to catch some z's. Remember, birds can get annoyed just like human beings can. Human beings often complain when they're irked, and birds, similarly, squawk and scream. If you don't have a cover made specifically for a bird cage, a sheet, towel or thin blanket may also get the job done. If you are ever uncertain about what to use for a cage cover, consult a veterinarian for her approval -- or for further suggestions.

Intense Light

If a bird stops squawking once his cage is covered, it also could be related to intense lighting pouring into his living environment. If the uncomfortable light from your next door neighbor's living room window is bothering your tired pet -- and stopping him from being able to relax -- then you may just notice his squawking stopping on a dime -- phew.


Excessive noise can cause birds to feel scared and disturbed -- and therefore trigger squawking sessions. If a bird is frightened, nervous and all alone in his cage at night, you may be able to calm him down by using a cover to drown out all of the undesirable -- and disruptive -- outside noises, whether other animals, cars or thunderstorms.

"No" to Scolding

If your bird squawks at night because of discomfort or fear, using a cover may be an effective way of getting him to adjust to a new and much more serene night regimen -- one that is free of chaos. Abstain from using a cage cover as a means of reprimanding a noisy bird at other times, however. If you want to stop a bird from squawking all day long, "scolding" him by putting a cover on the cage probably isn't going to get your message across. Keep the cage cover as a nighttime comfort -- and only as that.

the nest
