Adverse Reactions in Cats From Frontline Topical

Frontline is used to battle pesky ticks and fleas.
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If your poor kitty is suffering from an uncomfortable case of external parasites, like ticks or fleas, then you want to take control of it, stat. Your veterinarian may recommend to you the use of Frontline, a topical medication that works on the spot to destroy ticks and fleas.

What Does Frontline Do?

Frontline is a topical antiparasitic drug that aims to destroy ticks and fleas in various forms, including flea larvae and eggs. The waterproof medication works to terminate insect life cycles and, crucially, to prevent pest reproduction. Frontline accumulates within a cat's hair follicles and skin oils to eliminate pests, and keep them at bay for approximately a month or so.


Some cat owners may notice minor adverse reactions due to using Frontline topical. If you observe that your little one has a little bit of irritation, such as redness, itchiness and swelling, directly where you put on the medication, then it will likely subside quickly. To be smart, however, notify your veterinarian of the reaction. The sooner your vet knows what's going on, the better for everyone.


If your fluff ball has any adverse reaction that doesn't seem like a moderate case of skin irritation, tell your veterinarian about it immediately. indicates that some cats may display specific sensitivities to pesticides, although they are rather uncommon. Some signs of possible sensitivities include reduced appetite, throwing up, drooling and exhaustion. For your cutie's safety and well-being, pay close attention to the area where you applied the medication for at least several days. If your cat is allergic to pesticides, he may break out into hives or get a rash.

Drug Interactions

Before you administer Frontline to your precious pet, make sure his veterinarian is totally aware of any and all other medications he may be taking presently, as well as any others he may have taken in the past. Also, speak to your vet about your cat's age and overall bill of health. states that some drugs may produce unpleasant interactions with any pesticides. Be aware of this when considering the topical treatment, and always get your vet's full approval first. Also, remember that Frontline is not intended for use in kittens less than 2 months old.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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