Weight Loss & Crying in Cats

Cats who cry may be in pain or discomfort.
i Martin Poole/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Frequent cries from your kitty not only tug at your heartstrings for attention, but could mean that your furry friend is in distress. If your formerly plump crying feline also appears skinnier than usual, something is definitely wrong and it's time to visit the vet.

Crying and Weight Loss

There are several types of illnesses that can result in weight loss and excessive vocalization in your kitty. Typically seen in older felines, kidney disease, diabetes or hyperthyroidism can result in weight loss and crying, according to the Sugarloaf Animal Hospital. Diabetes and hyperthyroidism can actually lead to weight loss without any noticeable changes in your furry friend's appetite. Hyperthyroidism may even result in a sudden voracious appetite even as your kitty loses weight, according to PetPlace.com. If you do see a lessening of your kitty's appetite, this could indicate nausea or dental issues that are discouraging your furry friend from wanting to eat. A kitty who doesn't feel good may cry out because of the pain or discomfort he's feeling, which also lessen his appetite. Any of these symptoms require veterinary care to properly diagnose and treat them.

Veterinary Diagnosis

Bring your furry friend to your vet for an exam if you notice signs of weight loss and increases in his vocalization. If you're not sure your kitty has lost weight, you can feel his ribs. A kitty with prominent ribs is underweight and can indicate recent weight loss. Your vet will also weigh your furry buddy and compare this to his previous weight on his last annual checkup. She'll likely take blood and urine tests to see what could be the cause of your kitty's behavior. For any illness that she finds, she'll prescribe medication and devise a treatment plan for you to follow, which should take care of your kitty's odd behavior and weight loss.

Stressed Out Furball

If your vet gives your kitty a thorough exam and doesn't find any signs of illness or injury, your kitty may be experiencing anxiety or depression. These conditions can result in a decreased appetite and an increase in vocalization to express his upset or to get attention, according to VetInfo. Consult with your vet to see if prescription psychiatric medication could help your kitty. You may also want to use a synthetic pheromone spray or diffuser, found in pet supply stores, in your home to calm and comfort your kitty. Enrich your furry buddy's environment by providing plenty of toys, scratching posts and cat condos for him to climb, so he won't become bored, which can lead to depression. Keep stress in your home to a minimum and clean his litter box regularly to help reduce your kitty's anxiety.


Weight loss in our feline friends is a very serious condition that can lead to further health issues if not addressed. If your furry buddy doesn't eat enough food for two weeks or more and loses 25 percent of his body weight, he could develop a potentially fatal condition called hepatic lipidosis, according to VeterinaryPartner.com. This condition is common in kitties who have been put on a rapid weight loss diet; kitties need to lose weight very slowly under the supervision of a veterinarian. Note if your furry friend is crying for food, because this could actually mean you aren't feeding him enough. When feeding your kitty, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for portion amounts based on his weight and consult with your vet if you have any questions about his nutrition.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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