Taking care of your pet after spaying is not difficult. It does require you monitor her and keep other animals away, so she can heal. Like humans, surgery is a traumatic experience to the body, so rest is important.
Step 1
Fix a bed for her in a quiet spot away from other animals. If you have an unneutered male, he may try to mount her, so keep him away. For the first few days, she will probably want to rest more than usual.
Step 2
Give her a small amount of her dog food a few hours after returning home. She may eat or may not. Some animals have nausea after surgery. Keep fresh water available for her. If she hasn't eaten in two days, call your vet.
Step 3
Place her in a crate, if you have to leave for work or errands. Attach a water bottle to the crate and make sure she has a blanket, towel or pad on the crate floor.
Step 4
Take her out on a leash for bathroom time. She will be a little wobbly, at first. Call your vet if there is blood in the urine, or if she is straining to pee.
Step 5
Restrict all activity -- no running, jumping or rough play for seven days. If you have a two-story house, carry her up and down the stairs.
Step 6
Check the incision every day. Expect some slight redness or swelling at first. If there is a red, green or yellow discharge, call your vet.
Step 7
Stop her if she tries to lick the incision. If she is insistent, get an Elizabethan collar for her. Your vet has them, and they are also available at pet stores. This will prevent her from reaching the area. All stitches are underneath the skin, but licking can cause infection.
Step 8
Call the vet if she is lethargic, shivering, has labored breathing, vomiting or diarrhea. If you notice a bad odor from the incision or if she feels warm to the touch, call the vet.
Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.
- She may have a slight cough for a few days from having a tube down her throat.
- A hot water bottle may give her comfort on the first night home.
- Give her some soft food or soak her kibble in water to add more fluid to her system.
- Do not give her any aspirin, ibuprofen or Tylenol. Your pet was given medication in the veterinarian's office. If she seems in pain, call your veterinarian.
- Do not bathe her for 10 days.
Writer Bio
Pauline Gill is a retired teacher with more than 25 years of experience teaching English to high school students. She holds a bachelor's degree in language arts and a Master of Education degree. Gill is also an award-winning fiction author.