How to Stop a Dog From Spraying

Train your dog not to spray in the house for a clean, odor-free home.
i Collie Dog on Dog Bed image by Janet Wall from

Spraying is a problem for owners of both puppies and adult dogs. Marking indoors happens for a variety of reasons including bad housebreaking, illness and dominance, and the problem should be addressed immediately to save your house from permanent damage. Stop your dog from spraying using simple, positive reinforcement training methods.

Step 1

Ask your veterinarian to examine the dog. Urinating in the house is often a sign of illness such as a bladder infection, and your vet will rule out any physical issues. If the dog is diagnosed with an illness, administer medication as directed.

Step 2

Spay or neuter your dog. Spraying is often a result of territorial behavior, and altered dogs are less territorial and don’t urinate in the house as often as intact dogs.

Step 3

Crate the dog when you are not able to supervise him. Most dogs will not potty where they sleep, and your dog will ask to go out instead of urinating in his crate. Add a soft dog bed to the crate to keep the dog comfortable while he is confined.

Step 4

Take the dog out for frequent potty breaks. Healthy dogs may spray in the house because they can’t hold it in, and taking the dog out every hour reduces the likelihood of an accident. Take the dog out after meals and naps, and give him a treat when he potties outside to reinforce the good behavior.

Step 5

Clean urine spots immediately with enzymatic pet cleaner. This special type of cleaner breaks down proteins in pet urine that entice dogs to re-mark a particular spot. Soak up as much urine as possible with paper towels and clean the spot according to package directions.

Step 6

Fit your pet with a belly band or pet diapers. These products catch urine as the dog tries to spray, keeping your house clean and dry. Check the band or diaper throughout the day, and change wet products immediately.

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