How to Help a Pregnant Feral Cat

Spaying feral cats helps keep pet overpopulation under control.
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If a pregnant feral cat is lingering in your vicinity, don't simply feed her and call it a day. The issue goes deeper than a matter of feeding a homeless cat. Unfixed animals contribute to overpopulation, and feral cats and kittens typically live brief lives of danger and suffering.

Step 1

Catch the pregnant feline humanely and safely using a feral cat trap. Such devices are available for purchase at some pet supplies stores or for rental or borrowing from many animal welfare organizations and animal control agencies. Since feral cats are by nature extremely frightened and intimidated by people, trapping may be the only realistic means of getting them inside. It's the safest for you, since you won't have to come near the cat.

Step 2

Transport the pregnant cat to the spay/neuter clinic. Keep her in the same trap you used to safely catch her. The Stanford University Cat Network urges citizens to spay cats even if they are pregnant; once you've trapped a feral cat, your chances of getting her in a trap again are slim. Once you arrive at the clinic, indicate to the veterinarian that the cat is currently pregnant with a litter of kittens. The procedure for spaying pregnant cats is slightly different and more complex than the normal surgeries, as it involves pregnancy termination. The price is usually a little bit higher, too.

Step 3

Keep the mother cat in the trap or a carrier for the recovery process when the clinic returns the cat to you after spaying. Do not take her out while she is recovering. Ensure that her "holding space" is as comfortable and soothing as possible, with a fluffy towel covering the floors. Once you arrive back home, keep her trap or carrier in a dim, low-traffic and quiet locale of your household. Once about 24 hours has gone by, and the cat seems fully awake and vigilant, take her back to her natural habitat. Carefully open the carrier or trap door, then ease away from it. The confused mama cat may dart out and away immediately, but after a few days she will probably be back, especially if you have been caring for her for a while.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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