Post-Spay Care & Cat Litter

Your kitty may seem slightly in a daze right after surgery.
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Don't just expect your female cat to bounce back to her normal, sprightly old self directly after spaying surgery. The invasive surgical procedure calls for a little recovery time, so do what you can to make your fluff ball as safe, comfortable and relaxed as possible during the meantime.

Pain Medication

A little discomfort is not surprising for female cats that have just been spayed. If you're worried about this, ask the veterinarian about any pain-reducing anti-inflammatory medications that you can take home with your pet after the procedure. If the vet does indeed provide medication, be sure to strictly abide by the appropriate administration instructions.

Never under any circumstances offer your cat pain relief medications that aren't approved by the veterinarian. The ASPCA states that aspirin -- and other similar pain medicines -- could bring upon fatal consequences in cats, so take it seriously.


Your veterinarian may offer you detailed feeding instructions for your kitty after her surgery. In many cases, you will have to wait several hours before allowing your kitty to eat or drink, and even then, only in reduced amounts. Appetite loss is not uncommon in just-spayed cats, so don't be alarmed if your cat doesn't show too much interest in her meals. If she doesn't start eating again within a day or so, however, notify your vet immediately.

Unusual Signs

Keep a close eye on your cat to make sure that everything is going A-OK after her surgery. The San Francisco SPCA mentions possible side effects, such as minor on-site bleeding, glassy eyes, atypically muted behavior and head weaving in felines. If you observe any of these symptoms and they seem especially severe or lingering, or if you notice any other unusual health signs notify your veterinarian immediately.

Physical Activity

After a female cat is spayed, she will probably have stitches over the area of her incisions. The last thing you want is for the things to come apart, so make sure that your pet relaxes, and abstains from too much movement or physical activity for at least several days. Keep your kitty in a quiet area separate from any other pets in your home, as pets may interfere with her wounds. If you're concerned about your cat licking on her sutures, talk to the vet about bringing home an "E-collar" for her to sport.

Cat Litter

Be careful when it comes to selecting a cat litter for your sweetie post-surgery. If any dust that is contained in the litter somehow makes its way into your cat's wounds, it could trigger infection -- no thank you. To avoid this potentially harmful possibility, the organization People for Animals recommends temporarily using dust-free litter. The Camden County Animal Shelter also suggests a more inexpensive alternative -- good, old fashioned shredded paper!

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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