How Old Are Huskies When They Start Shedding?

Choose a breed that's right for you! This outdoor-loving couple is perfectly matched to this husky puppy.
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You probably noticed that your husky puppy is simply gorgeous -- but did you plan for fur balls on your floor, on your sofa, and on your clothes? Huskies' beautiful coats shed periodically, so arm yourself with a great dog brush, and be ready for those shedding seasons!

Husky Puppy Coats

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Huskies can sport coats of many colors, with grays, blacks and reds being most common. Light shading is found around the face and on the underbelly. If you bring home your pup between 8 and 10 weeks of age, you will enjoy a fluff ball on legs. Take lots of pictures at this stage, because there's nothing cuter than a husky baby! When your dog nears 4 months of age you will notice changes to his behavior and coat.

Blowing Coat

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As your dog reaches adolescence at about 4 to 5 months of age, you will notice clumps of dog hair appearing in your home. Your dog may lose his adorable fluffiness, and his top coat will shed. This stage makes the dog look underdressed and a bit gawky. Don't panic! The shedding of the puppy coat is normal, and has nothing to do with poor diet, parasites or poor grooming. This stage will pass, and in a few months your dog will display that glorious adult coat that is the breed's signature.

Adult Shedding Cycles

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Adult shedding is tied to a number of factors, including seasonal changes. Most dogs will shed their undercoat (the white or creamy colored hair that lies close to the body) in the spring. This experience can be especially noticeable with male dogs, whose coats are normally thicker and slightly longer than females'. Nature may have timed this with seasonal rises in temperature, eliminating the need for thick coats to fight the cold. Shedding may also be tied to fluctuations in natural light.

Other Reasons for Shedding

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For huskies, and all breeds with double coats, several physiological events can trigger shedding. Female dogs will shed after being in heat, due to the hormone swings. They will also shed after having a litter of puppies, but spayed females will follow the same patterns and shed in the spring. Any trauma, some medications and anesthesia could trigger shedding in any dog, as could malnutrition, allergy or some diseases. Shedding is a natural occurrence for huskies, and the time you spend grooming will strengthen your bond with your handsome canine companion.

What is a Husky?

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Note: The breed recognized by the American Kennel Club as the Siberian husky is commonly known as the "husky" in the United States. However, sled dogs known as Alaskan huskies also share the name husky. Additionally, some people refer to all Nordic breeds as huskies. In this article, "husky" refers to the Siberian husky, but all of the "huskies" go through similar shedding cycles.

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