What Is the Normal Consistency of Stools for Kittens?

Changes in your kitty's stool can signal health issues.
i John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images

If you've recently added a kitten to your household, frequent attention to the litter box is important not only for sanitation, but as a way to monitor your tiny fluffball's health. An abnormal stool consistency could indicate a problem, so you need to know what normal stool looks like.

Normal Stool Consistency

A kitten's normal healthy stool is is totally firm, and won't easily break apart when you scoop it out of the litter box. If the fecal matter is firm but rather soft, collect a sample for your veterinarian to check, just to be safe.

Problem Stools

If you want to be able to identify normal stools, then it helps to know what signs might indicate problems. An especially hard and dry stool may signal that Kitty is not getting sufficient moisture or fresh water in his diet, and is dehydrated. Watery droppings may be a major clue that something isn't right with your cutie's health or food. Soft, "fragile" feces also may indicate an issue. As soon as you notice a change in your wee kitten's stool consistency, it's time for him to see the vet.


Consistency isn't the only indication of whether a kitten's stool is normal. Color may also be helpful for monitoring your little one's health. The stool should be a medium-brown color, but a mustard-yellow color is also within the "acceptable" range. Gray feces may indicate a kitten is eating just a little too much. If you detect any red in the droppings, look closer. Blood in fecal matter may be a symptom of various ailments, including constipation.

Sudden Changes

If your kitty passes normal stools one day, then suddenly displays difficulties and abnormalities the next, pay close attention. Major changes in stool appearance and texture, including diarrhea, often signal a classic case of gastrointestinal parasites. An immediate consultation with your vet is needed.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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