Male Feline Behavior After Neutering

Some cats may seem more laid-back post-neutering.
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If your male cat has been behaving a little feistier than you'd like, then his raging hormones may have something to do with it. Neutering a cat, in some cases, can cause felines to turn it down a notch, whether it comes to urine spraying, restlessness and even physical aggression.

More Peaceful Behavior

Neutering a male cat involves, simply put, taking out the testicles, which in turn curbs testosterone production. This surgical procedure can help cats feel more relaxed, according to the ASPCA. Testosterone, the male hormone, can trigger a lot of behaviors in unfixed male cats, notably aggression. Once your kitty is neutered, he may not be as inclined to pick physical fights with any other animals he encounters, whether inside of your home or all over the neighborhood.

Fewer Escape Attempts

Intact tomcats are often very restless and antsy creatures, always wanting to go outside to find available female cats for mating reasons. Once a neutered male cat's hormonal urges subside, they usually no longer feel this intense need to escape from their homes to wander the area. After neutering him, you may not notice your male cat persistently scratching at your back door every five minutes, so rest easy. If your cute kitty just seems less prone to distraction after neutering, it's probably because he's not constantly trying to go outside. He may just seem more interested in you -- and the rest of your household -- in general.

Minimizing Urine Marking

Unfixed male cats are often very territorial beings. If they sense for any reason that their individual turfs are somehow being threatened, they sometimes react by "claiming" things -- such as the bed in your guest bedroom. They usually claim by urine marking, meaning spraying urine all over your things. Unfixed male cats also urine mark as a means of communicating their presences to female cats. Male cats frequently stop marking behaviors post-neutering. If neutering doesn't cut out marking behaviors entirely, it usually at least drastically reduces it.

Time Frame

Some male cats will begin to relax as soon as their surgeries are performed, but it may take a little bit longer -- think several weeks -- for others, notes Neutering may be more effective in relaxing younger male cats, as younger felines sometimes haven't had sufficient time to take on hormonal behavior patterns, whether aggressiveness, restlessness or territorial urine marking.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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