Intervals of Depo-Medrol Injections for Cats

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When your kitty is receiving Depo-Medrol injections, the interval between shots depends on what's wrong with him. Vets use the steroid Depo-Medrol for treating many different feline illnesses or conditions, from allergies to autoimmune diseases. Whatever the time frame between injections, your vet injects the drug into Kitty's muscles.


Manufactured by Upjohn, Depo-Medrol is the brand name of methylprednisolone, also marketed under the name Medrol or Solu-Medrol. Generic versions of the medication exist. It's a derivative of the steroid prednisolone, but it is more potent. The drug's effects last for quite a while, making it the drug of choice for many feline ailments. According to, "While the effect of parenterally administered Depo-Medrol is prolonged, it has the same metabolic and anti-inflammatory actions as orally administered methylprednisolone acetate."

Dosing and Administration

According to, the average intramuscular dose for cats is 10 milligrams, with a range up to 20 milligrams. The injections might be weekly or in accordance with the severity of the condition and the clinical response. In other words, your vet might give Kitty injections more frequently than once a week if he's seriously ill and depending on whether the drug appears to be working.

Intervals and Diseases

Your vet might prescribe Depo-Medrol injections, a powerful anti-inflammatory, for Kitty if he's been diagnosed with asthma. In that case, he'll receive an injection every four to six weeks. If Kitty suffers from stomatitis, a painful and chronic inflammation of the gums, a monthly shot might offer him relief for as long as two or three months. A less serious condition that responds to Depo-Medrol is rodent ulcer, which has nothing to do with rats or mice. The scientific name for this unsightly sore on Kitty's mouth is eosinophilic granuloma. Whatever you call it, twice-monthly shots of Depo-Medrol usually get rid of it after the third injection. For cats with flea allergies, injections are necessary only every two months. It's also used to treat autoimmune diseases, inflammatory bowel disease and certain types of trauma, all with varying injection intervals.

Side Effects and Contraindications

Most cats tolerate Depo-Medrol injections fairly well, but there are always exceptions. Call your vet if Kitty starts vomiting or panting. Besides vomiting and panting, side effects include lethargy, increased drinking and peeing, and a ravenous appetite. If he's given injections for a long time, he could experience muscle weakness, thinning of his skin and hair loss. He might also have bouts of diarrhea.

Depo-Medrol shouldn't be given to cats with kidney disease, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, gastrointestinal ulcers, diabetes, glaucoma or severe arthritis. It's not for use in pregnant or nursing cats or kittens. If Kitty has a fungal or viral infection, he shouldn't be given Depo-Medrol for another condition. Let your vet know about any other medications or over-the-counter supplements you give Kitty, as these can interfere with Depo-Medrol's effectiveness or cause a bad reaction.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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