Frontline & Pregnancy in Cats

Exercise extra caution before using any medication on pregnant felines.
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When you're responsible for taking care of a pregnant cat, a little trepidation certainly is understandable. The last thing you want to do is compromise either the health of the queen or her upcoming litter of cuties. This applies to everything from feeding a balanced diet to administering flea medication.

What is Frontline?

Frontline is the brand name of a topical medication that is used to manage pesky flea, chewing lice and tick infestations in cats. The medication is intended for once-monthly application, and aims to destroy all remnants of fleas on cats in approximately 12 hours or so. Frontline works to inhibit the development and growth of fleas from the egg to adult stage. It also functions to kill a variety of different ticks, including lone star and brown dog ticks.


According to, Frontline is a gentle spot-on medication that is 100 percent safe to use on pregnant and nursing felines. The medication also is appropriate for cats that breed frequently, in between gestation. However, always play it safe. Alert your veterinarian of any and all medications you plan to give to your mama-to-be before you actually do so, including Frontline. Do not give your pregnant cat any medication without the vet's solid approval. This caution also applies to any lactating queens.


Whether your cat is pregnant or not, always diligently and thoroughly go through Frontline's label instructions before use. states that improper use can lead to potential danger in cats, so use your finest caution. Never be careless and quick when it comes to a cat's health.

Other Considerations

Pregnant cats aren't the only ones that require a little extra care when it comes to Frontline. If your fluff ball is geriatric, in any way physically impaired, sick or currently taking any medicines, consult your veterinarian regarding the safety of Frontline use.


It is crucial to clear up a pregnant cat's flea situation before she gives birth. According to the Michigan Humane Society, severe cases of fleas can trigger the low red blood cell disorder anemia in kittens, which often can be deadly. Speak to your veterinarian about this harmful possibility and how to avoid it before you decide on a suitable external parasite management plan for your expectant pet.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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