How to Feed a Toothless Cat

For cats without teeth, dry kibble is difficult to eat.
i Cat near a dish image by Kapu from

If your adult cat has lost her teeth, she won't be growing replacements any time soon. Preventative dental care will ensure that your cat doesn't lose her teeth early, but if it's a result of old age, there are ways you can make sure she doesn't miss a meal.

Step 1

Soak your cat's regular kibble in a small amount of water or low-sodium broth to moisten it. If she still finds her normal food appetizing, there is no reason to entirely change her diet. Allowing her to attempt to eat hard food, though, can result in indigestion and other digestive disruptions if she is just swallowing the kibble whole. Softening the food before you give it to your cat will make it easier for her to eat.

Step 2

Switch your toothless kitty to canned food. Since canned food is already softened, there will be no need to do anything other than put some in her dish. If you are switching her over from a dry food diet, do it gradually so as not to upset her digestive system. Do this by mixing her softened kibble with a small portion of canned food, gradually increasing the amount of canned food while decreasing the amount of kibble until you've eliminated the dry food altogether. Store uneaten canned food in the fridge so that it doesn't become stale and possibly cause an upset tummy.

Step 3

Make your cat's meals at home rather than buying prepared cat food. Mixing together things like cooked chicken, steamed carrots, boiled or scrambled eggs and low sodium broth creates a healthy meal that will be appetizing for your cat. Be sure to chop the ingredients well and mash the ones that are soft so that the consistency is fine enough for your cat to not have to chew it.

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