Do Cats Know They Are Loved?

The bond between owner and cat is often a special one.
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As much as you adore your kitty, it can be difficult to determine whether she is aware that she is loved by you. After all, the words "I love you" don't ring a bell to her. If you think you have a bond with your cutie, though, you probably do.


If you care for and look after your little one, she may be able to identify that you do indeed love and cherish her. Discovery News indicates that felines may view food as a means to receive love. Because of this, your fluffball may understand that you do truly love her. After all, you're the one filling up her food bowl and giving her tasty treats every day, and you probably wouldn't do that if you weren't emotionally invested!


The grieving process may be a good indicator as to whether a cat knows that she is loved -- or at least, sadly, was loved. When a human companion to a feline passes away, the grief the furry one feels is often visible. A cat may exhibit that she deeply misses her caretaker by yowling and meowing more, endlessly looking for the lost person, refusing to eat her meals, stopping grooming behaviors, sleeping more and no longer caring about her previously enjoyed activities. All of these things may show that a cat is aware that a human she loved -- and that genuinely loved her back -- is no longer around.


A cat may know that her owner loves her by the amount of quality attention she receives. A cat thrives on regular interaction and attention from her human, whether you "converse" together, snuggle up together or enjoy playing with interactive cat toys together. All of these behaviors reinforce feelings of "togetherness" and help create a strong human-cat bond that isn't very easy -- if indeed even possible -- to break.


Cats often have a reputation for being cool and icy creatures, though that definitely isn't always the truth. When a cat is craving tactile interaction from you, you will certainly know it. She may come up to you and rub her scent on you. She may "kiss" your knees with her chin or cheeks. No matter what your cat might do, her goal will be obvious. Discovery News states that if your cat wants affection via petting, and you then give it to her, she may store that memory in her brain and later return that cuddly love back on to you -- aww. All of this may point to a mutual relationship that is based on love and respect.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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