Do Cats Bleed When They Go Into Labor?

Feline gestation typically lasts for just over two months.
i Michael Blann/Lifesize/Getty Images

If your sweet queen cat is on the verge of giving birth, you will likely know it, from the fast breathing to the unusually antsy and restless behavior. Keep your eyes peeled for any indications that your pet may soon be welcoming some fluffy new additions into her life.


Vaginal bleeding or spotting is not a common sign of labor in expecting cats. If you notice that your little one is indeed bleeding in any way, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. The bleeding could be related to an emergency health situation such as a spontaneous abortion, so waste absolutely no time.

During the course of actual labor, however, you may observe the presence of some bloody vaginal discharge along with contractions. This is perfectly normal.

Don't wait around for bleeding as the first sign that labor is near. A variety of other signs are much more indicative of the upcoming event.


Although bleeding may not be a telltale sign that labor is imminent, abnormally restless behavior is. About two days before your cat's parturition, you may notice her behaving in an unusually antsy way -- frantically nesting and looking for a calm, quiet, dark and warm place to introduce her kittens to the world. Kneading around her sleeping area may also occur. You might observe her pacing a lot and going around in seemingly endless circles. Monitor your fluff ball's breathing patterns. If she starts breathing rapidly, take note. She may also have a faster pulse rate.


Although the secretion of blood is not common right before a cat gives birth, the secretion of milk is. When your cat goes into labor, you may notice that she's already lactating in preparation for her upcoming litter. You may notice small amounts of fluid coming out of her nipples. Her nipples may take on a significantly "fuller" appearance, as well.


Be on the lookout for any excessive licking behaviors. If your queen cat starts obsessively licking her genital region, then it may be smart to start preparing in earnest for labor time. You may also notice a clear discharge coming out of her genitals, although not necessarily.

Affectionate Behavior

Soon before labor, your queen may begin behaving especially lovingly with you. If she keeps rubbing up against you and headbutting you -- even if she's normally rather aloof -- then start preparing to help the mommy-to-be out.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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