Cat Symptoms of Roaming and Crying

Pay close attention to any unusual behaviors your cat displays.
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When a beloved pet just isn't acting like himself, it can be tough to figure out exactly what is going on. If your cat is roaming around and crying, consider whether the poor thing is in pain or if it's something else entirely -- oftentimes mating behaviors.

Male Cats

When a tomcat reaches sexual maturity at roughly 6 months old, a lot of things suddenly change for him. With a reproductively mature cat, his hormones drive him. Male cats have the desire to roam outside in search of female cats for mating purposes. Loud crying sounds often accompany the restless roaming. The meowing and yowling sounds basically exist to announce to nearby females, "I'm here and ready to mate!"

Female Cats

Like tomcats, queen cats reach sexually maturity at approximately half a year old. This is the time when the heat cycle begins for female cats. When a cat is in heat, it means that she is ready to mate. Cats often display antsy and restless behavior during this time. You may notice your cat desperately clawing at doors and windows in an attempt to get outside and roam. Like with males, loud, persistent and piercing vocalization is also prevalent. Female cats cry and yowl as attempts to promote their willingness and readiness to mate with nearby males.

Roaming Medical Conditions

Apart from breeding patterns, roaming behaviors can also point to medical conditions in both male and female cats. If your fluff ball is acting in an unusually restless manner, it could be a sign that he is suffering from a number of health ailments, including rabies, high blood pressure and mange. For the safety of your cute pet, take him to the veterinarian to get his possible issue checked out.

Crying Medical Conditions

When a cat cries, it's a sign to you that is he is suffering and in pain. Crying isn't always a call to the opposite sex for mating purposes. Don't just ignore your crying cat. Waste no time in taking him to the veterinarian. He may be crying for help because of the discomfort associated with arthritis, liver disease, diabetes and overactive thyroid, amongst many others disorders. Apart from actual pain, many health conditions also lead to excessive crying because of increased thirst, hunger or simple irritability. Lastly, crying is also frequently a sign of sensory and neurological issues in felines.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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