Cat Leaking Watery Blood

The cause of her leak may be serious, but treatable.
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Anytime your cat is in pain or bleeding, you go into parent mode and just want to know she'll be alright. If she's leaking watery blood, the culprit, fortunately, is relatively easy for a vet to determine, and most of the time, the condition making her uncomfortable is treatable.

Distressing Discharge

Vaginal discharge has different causes, but they often look similar, including an oozy discharge of pus, mucus, blood and other bodily fluids leaking from kitty's vagina. Because the blood mixes in with other fluids, it can look cloudy, thin or watered down. Only a vet can diagnose the cause, which could be anything from a failed pregnancy to physical trauma, an infection or even a congenital defect.

Urinary Diseases

More serious than a simple infection, urinary tract diseases can cause your cat to leak watery blood. It looks watery because it's typically mixed with urine, which also is a reliable indicator that your cat is in pain, and probably having difficulty going to the bathroom. If she doesn't seem to be struggling to urinate, or she isn't apparently in pain while urinating, blood in the urine could suggest that the problem goes deeper -- specifically, to the kidneys.


Watered down blood in the urine also may indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI). A cat with a UTI may leak urine, bloody or not, without even noticing. They also may struggle to go to the bathroom, and have an unpleasant odor in their urine and even their fur. While a UTI doesn't have to be life-threatening, if left untreated, it can lead to more serious medical conditions.

Treatment and Recovery

No matter what, if your cat leaks blood, even watery or urine-diluted blood, she must see a vet immediately. Time is of the essence when treating the cause of this symptom. For example, if your cat is leaking vaginal discharge because she's carrying a dead kitten, the vet may need to step in and remove it. If she has a kidney disease or UTI, she could be in great pain, and her life may be at risk. Whatever the cause, your cat can make at least a partial recovery, but only if you act before it's too late. Always consult an experienced veterinarian regarding the health and treatment of your pet.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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