Cat Drooling Heavily After Being Fixed

Keep a close watch on your post-op kitty.
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Drooling in kitties can indicate a lot of different things, from unadulterated bliss to exhausting post-operative recovery -- eek. In fact, a newly fixed cat may display everything from salivation to grogginess and complete loss of appetite. If your cat's drooling seems excessive, however, it's time to contact the veterinarian.


According to the Austin Humane Society, drooling is a typical reaction to spaying and neutering surgeries in cats. However, the organization also indicates that any drooling should usually cease in the span of one day or less. In the event of especially heavy or long-lasting drooling, notify the veterinary clinic or hospital as soon as possible.

Reactions Other Than Drooling

Apart from drooling, you may also notice slight swelling by the incision site in females, scrotal bleeding in tomcats, balance problems when walking and bobbing of the head. As with the heavy drooling, notify the veterinarian if your post-op cat is displaying any of these reactions in excess, or for longer than 24 hours.


The ASPCA indicates that in some instances, cats may experience hyperthermia while recovering from spaying or neutering procedures. Hyperthermia, otherwise known as heatstroke, is a medical condition that involves, simply, raised body temperatures. Heavy drooling may be an indication of the ailment in cats post-fixing, so pay attention. Other common signs of hyperthermia are excessive panting and jerky, rapid bodily movements. If you think that your cat's drooling may be a reaction to hyperthemia, seek emergency veterinary attention and try your hardest in the meanwhile to cool your little one down, whether you open a window to let a draft in or turn on a fan.

Post-Operative Care

Whether your cat is salivating excessively or not, post-operative care is absolutely crucial. If you're uncertain in any way about how to take care of your pet post-surgery, consult your vet. Post-op care typically involves decreased meal portions at first, restricting baths and refraining from encouraging all physical activity. To get your cat back onto the serene road to recovery quickly, it may be smart to temporarily isolate her in a room away from other pets in your home, especially if they tend to be on the rambunctious side.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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