How to Calm Down a Dachshund

Regular exercise can burn off your dachsie's excess energy.
i running dachshund image by Diana Mastepanova from

Dachshunds are energetic and loving dogs -- when you come home, your sausage dog will likely be overjoyed and excited to see you. Sometimes, you might want your wiener dog to calm down, stop jumping on you and chill out for a while.

Step 1

Establish a regular daily routine for your dachshund. As a breed, dachsies tend to suffer from separation anxiety, so they do best when they know what to expect from each day. Regular toileting, feeding, exercise and play times will allow your sausage dog to feel secure in his daily schedule.

Step 2

Help your dachsie sleep well and regularly. Situate a comfortable dog bed in a quiet, warm area of the home, and make sure your dachshund has access to his bed when he is ready to sleep. Young dachshunds, especially, can often sleep for longer than eight hours each night -- if your dachsie goes to bed early, make sure he's not disturbed by television, other pets or bright lights.

Step 3

Exercise your dog every day. When dachshunds are over-excited and bubbly, this is often because they have excess energy they haven't been able to burn off. Your dog should get at least 30 minutes daily of walks, play or time running free outdoors. If weather or accommodation doesn't allow you to spend time outside with your dog, use dog toys to get your hound running around inside your home.

Step 4

Establish certain times when you want your dachshund to act calmly. For example, you might expect calm behavior in the 30 minutes before the dog's bedtime, or when you enter the home after a day's work. During these times, tell the dog "no!" if he jumps up, barks or runs around excessively. Reward him with treats and attention when he is acting calmly. If he continues acting out, you could spray him with a water pistol to discourage the behavior. As soon as your dog is calm, give him lots of praise and treats. This will create a positive association in the dog's mind with acting calmly.

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